Knives Out


Knives Out
reż|dir Przemysław Wojcieszek | PL | 2016 | 85 min
prod|pro Przemysław Wojcieszek, Agata Walkosz scen|wr Przemysław Wojcieszek, Michał Surówka zdj|ph Zofia Goraj muz|mus Filip Zawada mon|ed Michał Poddębniak ob|cast Anastazja Borkoniuk, Ania Kończal, Natalia Łągiewczyk, Emilia Piech, Kacper Sasin, Michał Surówka, Lucyna Szierok dys|dis Chłopiec Ptak i Anioł


Six twentysomethings meet in a seasonal house by the lake. They have not seen each other since graduating from high school. Some of them have made careers, other have not. Some of them live it up, others just vent secret frustration. The seventh character is Solomiya, a young Ukrainian woman working for Igor, one of the reunited friends. Solomiya is a stranger, and as such with time she becomes the object Hubert’s hate, and he incites the others, drunk and lost, to commit an act of violence against the girl.

Przemysław Wojcieszek (1974) Film and theater director, scriptwriter, and producer. Known for uncompromising portrayal of often uncomfortable or ignored details of the contemporary world.

2016 Knives Out
2015 Berlin Diaries
2014 Jak całkowicie zniknąć|How to Disappear Completely
2012 Sekret|Secret
2010 Made in Poland
2005 Doskonałe popołudnie|The Perfect Afternoon
2004 W dół kolorowym wzgórzem|Down Colourful Hill
2001 Głośniej od bomb|Louder Than Bombs

© Festiwal Filmu i Sztuki Dwa Brzegi Kazimierz Dolny Janowiec nad Wisłą
Projekt i realizacja: Tomasz Żewłakow